Message from Randy Kenyon NFLA President

During the past couple of board meetings, we began talks regarding the treasurer’s duties, generally directed toward simplifying and clarifying. This led to a further discussion regarding developing a secretary position, in light of the fact there are duties that should not really the responsibility of the treasurer. At the July business meeting, a board member made a motion to amend the bylaws to have the treasurer be elected instead of appointed; the creation of a secretary position; and both being voting board members. At the August business meeting, after a discussion and amending the original motion, it was passed. Please see Article IV Officers and Elections of the amended bylaws. We left the treasurer’s duties intact, with the secretary’s duties to be determined by the secretary and board at a further date.

The new board consists of myself as president; vice president Rachel Peura; treasurer Chris Heitz, secretary Donna Harrison, past president Karen McDonough; North Directors Irv Heitz and Larry Wilson and South Directors Kevin Ulrichsen and Jan Caldwell.

Randy Kenyon
President NFLA